Share real-time high quality product data to every sales channels

Send recipient-specific instant catalogs to your customers and business partners.
outgoing data
How it works

Select product data attributes and custom build instant catalogs for every sales channels


Select the product information you want to share, any associated media types, like images, videos or pdfs, and then enter the email address of the recipient.

Instant catalogs

Showcase your products more easily, with catalogs customized to the needs of a specific buyer

Channel mapping

Optimize and customize data to meet all relevant requirements & standards for each sales channels

Unowned sales channels

Send product content to 100s of unowned sales channels like distributor, retailer, marketplace, B2B customers, includingyour sales representatives

Real-time product data

Catalog provides real-time information about your products, with changes to data automatically updated within dedicated sales channels

Take a step to control your product data journey

The only product data quality tool to improve ecommerce store content and grow sales.

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